The Catacombs of Liverpool’s Darkest History
St George’s Hall, 27 February – 3 March 2016
The Catacombs of St George’s Hall
£15 (incl. administration fee) plus £2.25 fulfilment fee per order.
“Experience ‘The Catacombs of Liverpool’s Darkest History‘’ and peel back the layers of yesteryear to reveal what lies within the heart of St George’s Hall, Liverpool’s most celebrated building.”
Lovehistory and St George’s Hall are pleased to announce the latest in the series of the popular ‘Catacombs of Liverpool’s Darkest History’ tours, to run in February 2016. Following on from the success of Series 5 of the catacomb tours, Liverpool’s own Lovehistory are about to delve even further into the dark history of Liverpool’s past and expose the savage and lawless Gangs of Victorian Liverpool.
Liverpool in the nineteenth century was a place full of contradictions and duality; the rich and the poor, the lawful and the lawless, the civilised and the uncivilised, a city of prosperous merchants, powerful men and influential traders and a city of thieves, robbers and murders. Against the backdrop of the rich and the privileged a war was fought on the streets of Liverpool, a war which ended for many in the Courts of St George’s Hall and at the end of the hangman’s rope.
The gangs of Liverpool’s past will introduce the toughest of sailors known as The Packet Rats, The High Rip gang who spread violence around the streets of Scotland Road, lurking in the dark alleyways waiting for the unsuspecting, the footmen, highwaymen and all those who lived an unruly and lawless existence will return in a spectacular promenade performance through the darkest parts of St Georges Hall.
These powerful interpretations uncover the tales of past criminals who were hanged for their crimes, those who were judged and sentenced by law, and those who carried out the sentence of the court – the executioner.
The Catacombs Of Liverpool’s Darkest History promises to be the most haunting and gripping tour to date!